Ithaca Environment

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Sustainable agriculture leader to speak in Ithaca

Thanks to Jessie Lind

Via Meagan Cocke

The Necessity -- and Now the Possibility -- of an Agriculture
Where Nature is the Measure

Wednesday, February 23rd
12:00 - 1:30
G10 Biotech Building
Cornell University

Free and open to the public

Wes Jackson, President of The Land Institute in Salina, Kansas, is
widely recognized as a leader in the movement for a more sustainable
agriculture. Recipient of the 2000 Right Livelihood Award (the
"alternative Nobel prize"), Jackson is the author of several books
including "New Roots for Agriculture" and "Becoming Native to This Place."

The Land Institute's focus is on a new paradigm for food production
called Natural Systems Agriculture, where nature is mimicked rather than
subdued and ignored. This fifty-year study investigates ways that monoculture
annual grains, such as corn and wheat, can be replaced by perennial grains,
grown in mixtures. The Land Institute personnel believe that with additional
research, an agriculture that is resilient, economical and ecologically
responsible is well within reach.

More information

Cornell campus map

Contact: Greg Hostetler,, 607.255.0477


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