Ithaca Environment

Thursday, May 26, 2005

This Saturday! Redbud Woods Dedication

In a ceremony this Saturday (May 28, 2005), the Redbud Woods Working Group will dedicate Redbud Woods to Dorothy Reddington (known to many as "Dodo"), a long-time Ithaca activist and Cornell employee who died last year.

From Jae Sullivan:

The activist group, with the efforts of Dodo's friend,
Danny Pearlstein, attempting to stop the destruction
of Redbud Woods, will be dedicating the woods to Dodo
at 11 AM on Saturday, May 28, as part of their
"Counter Convocation." (Location: between Uris Hall
and Statler at the "Hercules" statue.)

There will be lots of activity in the next few weeks
(actions, letters to the editors of Ithaca Journal and
The New York Times, etc.) since the scheduled
bulldozing of the woods may take place as early as
mid- June - AFTER Cornell Commencement, Ithaca
Festival and Reunion weekends. Figures!

Danny Pearlstein and his friends will be sending out
an email tomorrow which I will pass on.

!!!Everyone is asked to send that email on to list
serves of environmentalists, alumni, Cornell faculty,
Sierra Clubs, local politicians, national politicians,
news organizations and journalists, etc!!!!

As Cinda, Dodo's sister, said to me on email, "Dodo
loved a good fight" so let's do our part to preserve
the woods. As Dodo herself wrote in her obit, "She
was proud to work for Cornell which she described as
'a great institution that would be even greater if it
would realize that it does not need another parking
lot.' "


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